Sunday, December 23, 2018

Important Informatica MDM Interview Questions and Answers - Part II

In this article, we will focus on interview questions related to Informatica MDM stage table and delta detection process. Are you interested to also know interview questions and answers about Hard Delete detection process? If yes, then refer to this article where we provide detailed questions and answers about Informatica MDM. Here is the link for Important Informatica MDM Interview Questions and Answers - Part I, in case you have not gone through it already.

Q 1: Where do you configure Audit Trail?


The audit trail is used to maintain the history of source data. The history of the source data can be maintained for the specific number of runs or the specific number of job runs. The audit trail is configured at the Stage table level. Audit trail option gets enabled when we create the mapping between landing and staging table. Once Audit trail is configured _RAW table associated with the Stage is get created.

Read more: Click here to read more about Audit Trail and Delta Detection

Q 2: What is Hard Delete Detection?

The hard delete detection (HDD) is used to determine records physically deleted from the source. There are two types of Hard Delete Detection in Informatica MDM -
a) Direct Delete
b) Consensus Delete

The details about how to configure Hard Delete Detection in Informatica MDM is explained in the video below -

Q 3: What is delta detection? How to enable delta detection?

The delta detection is used determine new inserts and update in existing source record for full data load process. The delta detection happens for the specific column which we can configure at the Stage table level. The delta detection option gets enabled when we create the mapping between landing and staging table. In order to achieve delta detection data from the landing is compared with the _PRL table which is created at the time of delta detection configuration.

In the figure below, we can see data changes on day 1

The second figure below provides states of records in each landing, staging and PRL table due to delta detection process -

Q 4: What is the full data load and incremental data load?

A) Full data load: In this case, the source sends full data files every day to load data in MDM. The new inserts and update to existing records will be determined in MDM as part of the delta detection process.

B) Incremental data load: In this case, the incremental file from source is loaded in MDM landing tables every day. The new inserts and update to existing records will be determined outside the MDM process. The MDM delta detection is not required.

Q 5: How to use delta detection with incremental data load?

This is tricky question interviewer might ask in order to check whether the candidate really has real-time experience.

The answer to this question is - The delta detection only works with full data load and not with incremental data load.

You can learn more about Informatica MDM here.


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