Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Informatica MDM - How to create Elastic Search certificate to access Elastic Search secure way

Are you trying to access Elastic Search API through the browser? Are you also planning to execute Elastic Search APIs using Postman or Soap UI? If yes, then you need to create a certificate in order to access Elastic Search API in a secure way. In this article, we will discuss what are the steps which need to be executed in order to generate the certificates.

Step 1: Location of steps execution
We need to execute certificate generation commands from the location below. Hence go to this location

 <MDM hub install directory>/hub/server/resources/certificates

Step 2: Execute the command below to convert Java Key Store (JKS) files to p12 file. P12 file contains a digital certificate with Public Key Cryptography Standard #12 encryption. P12 file is a portable format to transfer personal private keys and other sensitive information. This file will be used to access Elastic Search API such as GET, POST, PUT etc.

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore MDM_ESCLIENT_FILE_JKS.keystore -srcstoretype jks -destkeystore MDM_ESCLIENT_FILE_JKS.keystore.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12 -alias esclient -destkeypass changeit

Here, changeit is a password.

Step 3: We need public key to create access to Elastic Search. In order to create a public key, we need to use P12 file which is created in Step 2. The public key will be used to encrypt the data before sending over the network. Execute the command below to generate a public key.

openssl pkcs12 -in MDM_ESCLIENT_FILE_JKS.keystore.p12 -out file.key.pem -nocerts -nodes

Step 4: Certification creation is another important step. Before understanding why we need crt file, we need to know little about .pfx file. The .pfx  file includes both the public and private keys for the given certificate.  Normally used for TLS/SSL on web site. The .cer file only has the public key and used for verifying tokens or client authentication requests. To generate certificate run the command below-

openssl pkcs12 -in MDM_ESCLIENT_FILE_JKS.keystore.p12 -out file.crt.pem -clcerts -nokeys

Step 5: Execute the command below check Elastic Search accessible in a secure way. The command below will list all the indices present in the Elastic Search server.

curl -k -E ./file.crt.pem --key ./file.key.pem https://<Elastic Search Server host>:<Port>/_cat/indices

Step 6: This step is optional but if you are looking for how to make POST or PUT call using curl command on Elastic Search server then this will be helpful.

First, prepare the request body and save it in the file.  e.g. Create file Sample.txt. Add request below anything you want (a JSON message). A sample one is provided below:

   "": "-1ms",

Execute the command below using the Sample.txt file. Here we need to use the index name on which the PUT or POST request will be executed. e.g 43456-customer is an index name which you can get from step 5.

curl -d "@Sample.txt" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT  -k -E ./file.crt.pem --key ./file.key.pem https://<Elastic Search Server host>:<Port>/43456-customer/_settings  

Step 7: If you are using a clustered environment and would like to check the status of the cluster then execute the command below -

curl -k -E ./file.crt.pem --key ./file.key.pem -XGET 'https://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty'

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