Friday, July 17, 2020

What is Build Match Group (BMG) in Informatica MDM?

Are you looking for details about the Build Match Group (BMG) process which is used in Informatica MDM? Are you also would like to know when the BMG process gets executed? Would you be interested in knowing how to control this behavior? If so, then you reached the right place. In this article, we will discuss the BMG process in detail.

What is the Build Match Group (BMG) Process?

The process by which redundant matching records are removed from the match set prior to the consolidation process is called the Build Match Group (BMG) process. It is a very important process for the matching process and plays vital role in Informatica MDM jobs.

How does the Build Match Group process removes the record?

Let's assume that the BMG indicator is on then in such a case if we run a match job then it will remove one of the symmetric matches from the manual match pairs.
Let's consider the records below
Pair 1: 'Bob Paul' is matched with 'Robert Paul' with match rule number 3
Pair 2: 'Robert Paul' is matched with 'Bob Paul' with match rule number 5

As we know that the automerge_ind is set 1 for the matching pairs if records matched through auto-merge rules. The BMG process will trigger if all the records are matched with manual match rule then the BMG process will take effect. However, few records matched with the auto-merge rule, and few records matched with manual merge rule than one of the symmetric match entries will be removed from the match table.

When does the BMG process get execute?

There are two jobs during which the BMG process executed. 
1. During Match Job: BMG process get triggered during match process if we enable 'BMG on match indicator' property.
2. During Merge Job: BMG process always gets executed during the merge job. There is no option to turn ON and OFF during the merge job.

What is impact of the BMG process on Manual match records?

There is no impact due to the BMG process on manually matched records. BMG process only applicable for auto-merge jobs i.e. AUTOMERGE_IND is 1 in <BASE_OBJECT>_MTCH table and we also need to enable Base Object for BMG process.

How to enable the Base Object for the BMG process?

In order to enable the Base Object for the BMG process, we need to update the C_REPOS_TABLE table for the BMG_ON_MATCH_IND field. If value of BMG_ON_MATCH_IND is 1 then BMG is ON, if the value is 0 then BMG is OFF for the given table.

Here is sample sql statement to update this field-
update C_REPOS_TABLE set BMG_ON_MATCH_IND=1 where table_name='<TABLE_NAME>'

Important note: Restart the application server with clearing the cache after making the above change.

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