Friday, April 9, 2021

How to fix ORA-00604-Error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

 Are you working on a project where the oracle database is being used for implementation? Are you also facing an ORA-00604 and looking for fixing this error? If so, then you reached the right place. In this article, we are going to see how to fix ORA-00604-Error that occurred at recursive SQL level 1.

What is ORA-00604?

The error message ORA-00604-Error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 is commonly noticed in the application logs or identified by oracle user. This error message is a little complex and has its own challenges to fix. Let's understand what is the root cause of it.

The root cause of ORA-00604 

There are several causes of this error, however, the main cause is processing a recursive SQL statement. you might have a question what is the recursive statement? A recursive statement SQL statement that is applied to internal dictionary tables.

Example of ORA-00604

Assume that you are using Oracle 11g or 12c and you are getting 'ORA -00604-Error occurred at recursive SQL level 1' where table or view does not exist one of the causes for this is a trigger. The trigger might be 

1) to insert records into an audit log table or

2) to fire DDL statements or

3) to drop the audit log table Let's see possible option to fix this error

 How to fix ORA-00604 - 

Option 1:- Analyze and fix trigger error in order to determine if the error is related to DB trigger, execute statement below-

ALTER SYSTEM SET "_system_trig_enabled"=FALSE; 

Find the trigger which causes the issue & disables it.

Option 2:- syntax error in the SQL generated in the application. If an ORA error caused because of an error or bug in the  SQL code then reach out to developers of the code & fix it.

Option 3:- Oracle support If the error still persists then reach out to the oracle support team.

Learn more about oracle in detail here -

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