
Monday, July 8, 2019

Top 12 Interesting features of Java 10

Would you be interested in knowing what are the new interesting features in Java 10? Would you also like to know Application Class Data Sharing, Java JIT Compiler, Time based release? If so, then you reached the right place. In this article, we will understand new features in Java 10 language.

Java 10 features
Java 10 is the fastest feature release of a Java SE platform. Features contain various enhancements into many functional areas such as garbage collection and compilation as well as local variable types.
ü  Local-Variable Type Inference
ü  Application Class-Data Sharing
ü  Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository
ü  Garbage-Collector Interface
ü  Parallel Full GC for G1
ü  Thread-Local Handshakes
ü  Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool (javah)
ü  Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions
ü  Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
ü  Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
ü  Root Certificates
ü  Time-Based Release Versioning

1. Local Variable Type Inference
Java now allows var style declarations. We can declare a local variable without specifying its type. The type will be inferred from context i.e from the type of actual object created.
For eg.
var str = “Welcome to Java 10";
String str = " Welcome to Java 10";

In first the statement, type of str is determined by the type of assignment which of String type.

2. Application Data-Class Sharing:
The main goal of this feature is to improve startup and footprint, extend the existing Class-Data Sharing ("CDS") feature to allow application classes to be placed in the shared archive.
-It reduces the footprint by sharing common class metadata across different Java processes.
-Improves start-up time.
-Application Class-Data Sharing allows the built-in system class loader, the built-in platform class loader, and custom class loaders to load archived classes.

3. Consolidate the JDK Forest into a Single Repository.
 This feature is all about housekeeping. It combines the numerous repositories of the JDK forest into a single repository to simplify the development.

4. Garbage-Collector Interface.
 It introduces common Garbage Collector Interface, by using this we can improve the code isolation. It allows alternative collectors to be quickly and easily integrated. The main goal is to provide better modularity for HotSpot internal GC code.

5. Parallel Full GC for G1.
This feature of Java 10 improves G1 worst-case latencies by making the full GC parallel.
The current implementation of the full GC for G1 uses a single-threaded mark-sweep-compact algorithm.

6. Thread-Local Handshakes.
It improves performance. While the java thread is in a savepoint safe state, a handshake operation is executed for each Java Thread. While keeping the thread in a blocked state the callback is executed either by the thread itself or by the VM thread.

7. Remove the Native-Header Generation Tool (javah)
It focuses on housekeeping. This feature removes javah tool from JDK. This practicality provides the flexibility to put in writing native header files at the time that Java source code is compiled, thereby eliminating the necessity for a separate tool.
8. Additional Unicode Language-Tag Extensions.
This feature enhances java.util.Locale and related APIs to implement extra Unicode extensions of BCP 47 language tags. This JEP will implement a lot of the extensions laid out in the newest LDML specification, within the relevant JDK classes.
This feature will add support for the following additional extensions:
                                i.            cu (currency type)
                              ii.            fw (first day of the week)
                            iii.            rg (region override)
                            iv.            tz (time zone)

9. Heap Allocation on Alternative Memory Devices
This feature enhances the potential of HotSpot VM to portion the Java object heap on an alternate device, like NV-DIMM, nominative by the user.
For example, with this feature, it is possible to assign lower priority processes to use the NV-DIMM memory, and instead, only allocate the processes which have a higher priority to the DRAM in a multi-JVM environment.

10. Experimental Java-Based JIT Compiler
It enables Graal, to be used as an experimental JIT compiler on the Linux/x64 platform. Graal is basically a new JIT compiler for java, which is the basis of Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler.

11. Root Certificates
This feature provides root Certification Authority (CA) certificates in the JDK.
This helps to promote OpenJDK and make it more effective to community users. The aim of this feature is to reduce the difference between the OpenJDK and Oracle JDK builds.

12. Time-Based Release Versioning
Unlike the old releases, the new time-based releases won’t be delayed and features will be released every six months. There are also Long Term Releases (LTS). It is mainly for enterprise customers.

What are the differences between IDD Data View and IDD Business Entity applications

Would you like to know what are differences between Legacy IDD and Entity 360 or   Entity application? Are you also interested in knowing what are the open issues with Legacy IDD and Entity 360 application? If so, then you reached the right place. In this article, we will have a detailed discussion about the differences and features of both the applications. These differences are captured based on Informatica MDM 10.3 HF1.

IDD Data View
IDD Business Entity
Use of IDD User Exits
1.     Integral part of IDD Configuration
        2.    Easy to implement customization
        3.    Easy to deploy as a component of IDD
        4.    No separate resource configuration required, resources allocated to IDD will be used for User Exist
       5.    Error handling follows MDM standard practice, no additional handling is required
         6.    No additional security required as it integral part of IDD Application
No User Exit support
        1.    Need to write external services (Restful or SOAP-based Web Services)
       2.     Required additional efforts to build and implement and deploy these external services
        3.    For scalability, high availability of external services, additional dedicated servers are required
        4.    Need to apply and maintain security  as these are external services to IDD Business entity
         5.    Extra error handling is required to follow MDM standard practice
      6.    Extra the configuration is required to call external services
         7.    Dedicated resources need to be allocated to handle user requests
Data Import template
IDD Data View provides the feature to import data. It is a very helpful tool when business would like to import bulk data in need basic. No need to create or update requires manually
Do not support Bulk import template.
Need to create or update bulk volume of data manually
Unmerge functionality
It supports both Tree unmerge and linear unmerge.
Note: During Tree unmerge unmerged unmerge records get separated from the group. During linear unmerge children records of unmerged record remain associated.
Supports the only Tree unmerge
Easy to integrate repots in the IDD application using Jasper Reports
Jaspersoft reports work in a Home page only if it is the only component in the Home page.
If IDD application includes workflows, we must generate the business entity schema as a requirement for Data Director to manage the workflow tasks. However, we need to migrate to business entities
The business entity the schema will be generated as part of Business Entity application publish event using the Provisioning Tool.
Both Entity and IDD Data Views- Hybrid mode
Informatica recommends that the Hybrid mode only on a temporary basis

Manual Override of matched record
Manual override  of value in the Matches view is allowed
Manual override a value in the Matching Records view is not allowed
Hierarchy View
Hierarchy relationships can be configured to show in a section to show duplicate hierarchy records. 
The Hierarchy view does NOT permit the following actions:-
     ·         Finding a duplicate entity.
     ·         Initiating a merge.
     ·         Sharing a bookmark URL
     1.       In the task inbox on the Home page, you cannot filter tasks by the creation date.
     2.       When you export search results that are based on a timeline, the export process ignores the timeline and exports all data.
     1.       The Cross Reference page and the Merge Preview page have pagination issues.
     2.       In the search results, some rows are empty. The rows represent records that are filtered out because the user does not have permission to view the records.
     3.       When a user role does not include the create and read privileges for a business entity, users with this role can still view the tasks associated with the business entity.
     4.       In the History view, the timescale labels in the Options menu do not appear correctly initially.
     5.       In the Hierarchy view, business entities in the Relationships tab of the history do not open in Business Entity view.
     6.       In the Timeline view, you cannot open the relationship records that appear on the Relationships tab.
     7.       In the Hierarchy view, in the Entity Details dialog box, when you click More Details, the dialog box closes without opening the selected business entity.
     8.       In the Matching Records view, when you merge records, the system can appear unresponsive.
     9.       If you delete a record and then search for the record, the ROWID of the deleted record still displays.
     10.   In the History view, when you try to view event detail, an error might occur.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Important stats related SQL queries with details of determining Tablespace

This article on Oracle database provides details about how can we monitor tablespace during sql execution. In this article we will also see how to what are the sqls are currently executing. During this process we will understand, how to get SQL ID associated with each sql statement.

Tablespaces in the Oracle database

The tablespace is one or more logical storage units in the Oracle database. Each database table belongs to some tablespace in the oracle database. Normally, Oracle DBA has alerts setup to monitor tablespace, so that SQL or jobs which are based on SQL statements will not fail due to tablespace issue. However, as a developer, we can also monitor tablespace using the SQL statement below -


To determine used and free tablespace, use the sql below

select tablespace_name, SUM(bytes_used/1024/1024/1024) "Temp_Used", sum(bytes_free/1024/1024/1024) "Temp_Free"

from v$temp_space_header where tablespace_name like '%TEMP%' group by tablespace_name;

Determine currently running Active DB Sessions

As Oracle developer or application developer, we can use the query below to determine the active DB sessions in the Oracle database -

This query will return important details e.g. USERNAME, STATUS, database MACHINE, SERVICE_NAME, SQL_ID etc.

Determine which SQL statement is running in Database

Before determining SQL statement, we need to determine what are the active session associated with SQL statement which can be determined with help of above section - 'Determine currently running Active DB Sessions'.

By using the result of above query, get the SQL_ID associated with active session. Once we have SQL_ID then execute the SQL statement below to determine the query which is running in the database -

SELECT * FROM GV$SQL WHERE SQL_ID = '61f38skxkw8hc'

e.g. Here '61f38skxkw8hc' is value for SQL_ID

Get Explain Plan
In order to get explain plan execute the statement below -

select * from TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_awr('61f38skxkw8hc'));

Get Start and End time of SQL Query

select sql_id, first_load_time, last_load_time, elapsed_time, cpu_time from   v$sql where  sql_text like 'with /* slow */ rws as (%';

select sql_id, elapsed_time_delta/executions_delta avg_elapsed
from   sys.dba_hist_sqlstat
where  snap_id = :snap;

Getting SQL Event details

A.SQL_TIME BETWEEN TO_DATE('03/10/2018 09:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
AND TO_DATE('03/11/2018 6:00:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

Dynatrace : An Overview

  Dynatrace, a leading provider of software intelligence, offers a powerful platform designed to monitor, analyze, and optimize the performa...